Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Robocall to End All Robocalls

Apparently, the state Republicans are putting out a call from George Gallo promising to end robocalls (or something like that) if they're elected.
The poll identified itself pretty quickly as being from a republican group, and then it went on to promise that if you vote republicans then they would stop the robocalls.

Huh. Interesting. I'll keep an eye on it.


Anonymous said...

Wow! THat George Gallo really has his finger on the pulse of Connecticut. Whatta chairman.

Anonymous said...

Has he told Nancy Johnson and the NRCC? They have been the biggest offenders at my household (x50).

Anonymous said...

Another evil trick from the Genious Rove. The robocalls will simply morph into live calls and be outsourced to India, Pakistan and Afghanistan. "Hi, this Osama bin Laden, calling to remind you to vote for all the Democratic candidates. Allah be praised."

Anonymous said...

I doubt the CT GOP can get anything right or done, but eliminating political robocalls would be a step in the right direction.

Anonymous said...

ack! I just received yet another robocall on my CELL PHONE from Dianne Farrell. All this even though A) I already voted, b) I'm not in her district, and c) I wouldn't vote for her anyway!

Anonymous said...

There won't be enough of a CT GOP left to make good on that promise. Gallo himself will probably be looking for a job after the DEMS sweep.

Anonymous said...

The CT GOP is quite the oiled machine...how many fewer seats will they have in the General Assembly after THIS election?