Sunday, July 16, 2006

House-79 Primary: Eminent Domain Debated

The Bristol Press reports on a debate between two primary opponents in the 79th House district:
As Nicastro takes aim at the 79th District state representative seat held by fellow Democrat Kosta Diamantis, the city's use of eminent domain in the Bugryn case has created another divide between the two men vying for their party's support in an Aug. 8 primary. Diamantis staked out a simple position: he said he doesn't support the use of eminent domain to take residential property for economic development.

Nicastro said he was shocked to hear Diamantis take that stand because the 14-year lawmaker had never uttered a single peep of protest during the seven-year struggle between the city and the Bugryns over a 32-acre Middle Street parcel the city took from the elderly siblings for an industrial park.

"You said nothing" about it at the time, Nicastro told Diamantis.(Collins)

At least there wasn't a brawl this time.

Collins, Steve. "'Eminent' issue debated." Bristol Press 14 July, 2006.

A list of other state primaries is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kostas Diamantis says don't take private homes for economic development projects? Not only has he been silent on the issue in Bristol, he VOTED AGAINST an amendment that would have prevented just what he now says he supports (2005 HB 7502, House Amendment B, LCO 8402). I guess he assumes people in Bristol are too stupid to find things on the internet.