As expected, the bloggers threw an Internet temper tantrum in response to criticism leveled at them in last week's column.
My favorite came from the one who calls himself Ctkeith, who dismissed any criticism by suggesting 18 years as the political reporter for the Norwich Bulletin wasn't that impressive. He said that "town drunk is a more honorable gig."
A classic example of the intellectual depth one can expect from this particular group.
I understand the nature of blogging is to allow individuals a forum to freely express their views and opinions. I was suggesting it serves no useful purpose if it's used as a weapon of hate.(Hackett)
Right back at ya.
Hackett, Ray. "Column: Political bloggers' strongest suit is self-indulgence." Norwich Bulletin 16 July, 2006.
he's got enough snark to be a blogger himself. heh.. but he does ask an interesting question. how many people will support lieberman if he wins the primary?
I agree. Bloggers need a new hobby!!
You're killing me with that graphic!!
anon 10:25
How many times do people who support Lamont have to say that they'll support whooever wins the primary?
Personally, I stated this on my blog and here on several occasions. Again, Ray misses the point.
The "simple question" isn't about Ned Lamont or Joe Lieberman, it's about the Democratic Party and respecting the will of the voters who will vote in August.
It's that simple. If an elected official won't respect the outcome of the primary (if it doesn't go in their way), wouldn't you want to know who they are?
The question is fair, Hackett's unhinged rant is dishonest (as well as his unwillingness to tell his readers about his relationship with Lieberman).
He also accused bloggers of “extortion tactics and vigilante style attacks.” This means asking Democratic politicians if they will support the winner of the primary. I suppose reporters must ask the question more politely. Waddya say we rough up dis punk and teach him some manners?
Chric MC,
Come on man, you're better than this.
Hackett was focusing his energy on the "simple question" and calling those who DARE ask any politician the "simple question" dishonest. His quote on keith is b.s. since it was Hackett who thew the first insult in his post last week. Also, Keith knows plenty on Hackett but that's not for me to get into but could explain Hackett's response.
He labeled all blogs in his rant and his points are again, dishonest. Go back to his original post and show me where ANY blog used vigilante style attacks.
What's wrong with asking a "simple question?" It's obvious that Hackett sees a problem with this which was the basis of his original smear against the blogs.
Basially, he's pissed because he's a HUGE fan of Lieberman and the blogs are holding Joe accountable for his record.Lieberman...
Chris McC,
Go back and do your homework by reading the entire diary and comments on MLN last Sunday which is where this little access whore found my words.
If Hackett had even a single testicle he would have signed up a user account on MLN and went at it.
Bottom line is he's a coward.He is obviously reading the Blogs but is to scared to create an account and have a go at it.One way conversations are his forte and I expect he'll continue it that way.
Pat Rice--
I'm not a "nut". The nuts are the "Democrats" who support the Iraq Occupation, the war-monger Joe Lieberman, and his corporate lobbyist wife.
The rest of us join the majority of Americans, safely in the middle. Thank you.
What kind of "Reporter" writes a column announcing his decision to enroll in the Democratic Party, only so he can vote in this "important election"? (7/2/06.)
And I'd have more respect for Ray if he'd just come out and say he's a Lieberman backer. It was very clear in his column who he'd be voting for, even if he didn't come out and say it.
Instead, he pretends to be a responsible journalist. He's about as "fair and balanced" as FoxNews, and it would be better for him if he just came forward as a Liebercrat.
And his editors should force him to be either a commentator/columnist, or an unbiased reporter in the traditional sense.
Patricia Rice said... "
they are being used by the Left wings nuts to destroy the Democratic party."
Talk like that could ruin Republican chances.
Chris MC,
1. I've attacked Bill Finch? I strongly encourage wveryone to go back to my post and show me where this happened.
2. Trufgrrl is a blombthrower who not only failed to back up for facts when challenged. If you want to defend her, please be my guest.
3. I find it strange that you would find it strange that those bloggers who are unhappy with Lieberman would not support him if he wins the primary seeing that having a Democratic majority is the ultimate goal. Remember, this is a primary.
I'm not going to waste any more time debating this issue as it will only bring more attention to a person I wish to ignore. Your defense of him, and you assult on my posts on Finch, is very troubling and disappointing.
Chris McC,
Does it hurt bad being a victim.LOL
Theres an old saying that says something about it being to hot in a kitchen you should research.
Hacketts failure to create an account and post was proof he new beforehand the heat was to much for him .
Your claim of victimhood only shows you weren't as self aware of your limits.
Chris MC,
If you want to further this discussion, you know how to reach me.
Anyone who supports Ned Lamont is left wing and anti war. if they(Lamont Supporters) could engage in a serious conversation instead of insulting anyone who supports Lieberman on this blog.
But they think they have the right to insult anyone who has a different opinion other than pro Lamont.
That is so why i will support anyone but Lamont.This bad behavior of The Lamont Supporters started at The State Convention and has grown worse ever since.
I also blame DFA for this pompous behavior Because I blame the organizers of the Connecticut Chapter of being the Primary Cause of all of the bitterness in the ranks of The Democratic Party.
i am so rooting for a Lamont Loss on August 8th so this group of losers led by Keith Crain will go away.DFA to me is about as popular as Ned Lamont.
Hey Anon,
Please spell my name right.It's
If you grow up you may have the guts to put your name on any activism you choose to do I hope you're as proud to have your name connected to it as I am of mine.
I choose to stay Anonymous Because there are too many Lamont supporters and all they want to do is bash anyone connected or supporting Lieberman.
if this is the way The Democratic Party is going to end up If Lamont wins then maybe I will have become Unaffiliated or a Republican after November.
I dont agree with the pull our troops out of Iraq stuff I have many friends and family members who have fought for this country and this is a slap in the face to them and me.I am having it out with other people on my DTC about this same issue I agree about the wiretapping that Bush is doing illegal.
If you are a DTC member and you are afraid to defend your position PUBLICLY I suggest you resign.
The last thing any DTC needs is weak and timid people who need to hide behind anonominity.
PS Your boy Lieberman said he also knows "beyond any doubt" were his words that W broke the law by wiretapping without a warrent.When ask what should be done he said "change the law".
I wonder how many other criminals Lieberman thinks we should do that for?
You think I am going to go away because you dont like my support of Lieberman guess again. You Left Wingers want us Conservative Dems to get pissed off and walk away so you can destroy the party in Connecticut further.
Well I am not going away unless i decide to on my own and why Should you Lamont Supporters get to call the shots anyway Your Boy Ned isnt the nominee yet while Lieberman is the endorsed Candidate i am supporting the endorsed Candidate and if you left wingers some how get Ned in there Dont count on me supporting him Because he is anti american and anti war and I love my country and my family members who defended our Country in previous wars so we agree to disagree and we are at a stalemate.
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