With a little over a week and a half left to go, the mailers have slowed to a surprising trickle. My address hasn't rated a Lieberman mailer in weeks! Which means I only have one of his to share with you. The Lamont campaign, on the other hand, has been sending out a lot of mail.
The Mule
Let's start with Lieberman, like last time. Here's one from Sen. Lieberman attacking Ned Lamont for being a chameleon. You can, in fact, see the chameleon on most pages, as Lieberman accuses Lamont of changing his views. This line of attack has been a mainstay of the Lieberman campaign.
Lieberman attacks Lamont over his votes with Greenwich Republicans, his reluctance to release his tax returns, his contributions to Lieberman, and so on.
That is also one ugly chameleon.

Lieberman, on the other hand, is no chameleon. He is, and I'm not making this up, a stubborn mule. See? "Joe Lieberman is As Tough And Steady as a Mule," reads the caption. "Voters Always Know Where He Stands." There's also a picture of a mule, which is somewhat more attractive than the chameleon, at least.
One of Lieberman's biggest problems has been his refusal to move move away from his disastrous position on Iraq, and his support for the Administration. Consistency is nice, but mulish stubbornness really isn't.
Also, a mule is only half a donkey.
Any Women Out There?
Among the many Lamont mailers we've received were several directed at women. It attacks Lieberman's support for Catholic

hospitals that didn't want to provide Plan B to rape victims. The first side features a woman sitting in a hospital gown (a rape victim, we presume) , and, weirdly, has a tiny George Bush and Joe Lieberman menacing her from the corner. The flip side is mostly a picture of a serious-looking female doctor--you know she's serious and smart because she is holding glasses, and resting them thoughtfully against her chin.

John DeStefano also sent out a mailer supporting women. Here a woman is working at her job, which apparently involves taking a rag to a whole bunch of tubes. Glad that ain't me.

DeStefano is using this ad to highlight his plan of establishing pay equity in Connecticut. The back features a list of women and family-friendly policies touted by DeStefano. There's also the black-and-white file photo of Rosa DeLauro. Couldn't she have provided a better picture?
Return of the Hallmark Mailer
The Lamont campaign put out this mailer, similar to the one that featured Lamont's mother.
Yeesh. The inside shows pictures of Lamont and his family. These sorts of character pieces seem to be getting more common.
Regional InterestFinally, a mailer from the Malloy campaign! Here Malloy informs us that "Eastern Connecticut has been ignored for too long..." which is true. That's also why Eastern Connecticut leaders sent a letter to both Democratic candidates before the convention, practically begging them to put someone from east of the river on the ticket as their running mates. Both candidates picked people from affluent towns just to the west of Hartford, instead (Simsbury, West Hartford).

Malloy promises on the flip side to end this sort of practice when he's governor. Frankly, it'll be a miracle if anyone can get Route 11 or Route 6 finished, but at least he seems willing to try.
He also lists many prominent Democrats from Eastern Connecticut (including Richard Balducci, who was originally from Newington but is now apparently in Deep River) who support his candidacy.
Expect more of these to be posted (and mailed) as the primary day approaches.