Let's see.
It's apparently a rite of spring to see the "NHL May Return" story return to Hartford. I just don't see it. I was a huge Whalers fan, I'd love it if the NHL came back... but I don't see it happening.
Coke is pushing soda on kids, say legislators supporting a soda ban in schools. Those fiends! Seriously, the legislature must have better things to do. Whatever happened to the state cookie?
Lastly, it's National Library Week. Go be nice to a librarian and check out an armload of books. Or, if you're a state legislator, support increased funding for Connecticard and other great library resources which improve our quality of life.
What else is going on?
Get rid of Soda machines? I say get rid of these spineless legislators who are afraid to debate the tough issues because it's an election year...Plan B...Same sex marriage...Tolls... but instead are discussing what the state cookie should be and want to be every kids Mommy and Daddy by telling them they can't drink soda. Leave the soda and throw the bums out!
I couldn't believe when this was first brought up a year or two ago. At the same time, towns were PURCHASING vending machines and Coke and Pepsi were tripping over each other to get the contracts - the school districts thought it was a great way to make money. And the law says "during school hours" so they can drink the sugar after school - during sporting events. Is that any healthier?
But really- leave it to the school districts, rather than the state overruling the rules they supposedly entrusted them with.
Did anyone read the articles about James Amman talking about the anti-Catholic sentiment in the State Capitol? (paraphrase): "Its definitly here - and your not being honest if you don't acknowledge there are a few members with anti-Catholic bias."
Put Plan B to rest. There was no complaint before, the 'activists' are bored.
The soda bill is foolish. The premise that the machine advertising is the root of all eveil is asinine. (Watch out for those Jell-O logos in the lunch room... They'll brainwash you for sure...) In my opinion, this is about restricting a community's ability to contract their own revenue streams.
You don't want your child drinking soda, pack Johnny a thermos, or stay home from work and teach Jane about sound nutrition.
This session can't end soon enough...
As a member of the Waterbury Library Board, the best thing that people can do is join their local "Friends of" the library. (Here it is the Friends of the Silas Bronson Library). It is usually very inexpensive and the monies are used towards programs, materials and upkeep. The library is a place to study, do research or just pick up a book and in many communities- in a budget crunch is one of the first places where cuts are made!
I am reading "Dog Days:A Novel" by Ann Marie Cox. (and I need to hurry and finish because it is overdue!--- a new Waterbury scandal)
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