The DeStefano Connecticut Cover All Now! Plan is anchored by two major reforms:
It creates a private health insurance one-stop marketplace, the Connecticut HealthCare Consortium (CHC), from which small businesses, families and individuals can purchase health insurance coverage, thus combining the small business and individual markets to create a large risk pool to open up access and drive down costs.
It reforms the state’s corporate income tax structure to provide all businesses with the tax relief needed to provide affordable, portable, and prevention-based coverage to every family in Connecticut. (DeStefano)
It's an interesting thought, and something like this is probably where the United States will end up in a few decades. I still think that some form of universal health care would help Connecticut be more competitive and attractive to businesses. This plan seems like a good starting place, although it would probably take quite some time to set up and do well.
Dan Malloy welcomed DeStefano to the health care debate, but countered that his own plan to cover every child would take effect immediately:
We have some differences to be sure -- perhaps the most important one is that unlike John DeStefano, I don't believe we can wait any longer to take action. We need to implement real, specific, achievable plans -- and we can't wait for the next session or the next election: the time to act is now.So far Gov. Rell has been quiet on health care, which is too bad. This is one of the most pressing issues we face, along with job creation and transportation.
That's why I proposed a plan for immediate universal health care coverage for children, called "Every Child Matters," prior to this legislative session. But the Rell Administration did nothing. And I was surprised and disappointed that John didn't join my call to have this plan implemented immediately -- in this legislative session. Not next year -- but now. (Malloy)
I do like the DeStefano plan in theory. The idea of a state clearinghouse for health insurance isn't a terrible one, but only if it's done well. That may be the real hurdle.
"DeStefano announces universal health care." DeStefano for Connecticut. Press Release, 12 April, 2006.
"Malloy welcomes DeStefano to health care debate." Malloy for Governor. Press Release, 12 April, 2006.
Destefano is a snake....always was, always has been always will be......
The failed status quo you speak of is the never ending democratic majority that has controlled this state for years. You can cry all you want fact is Governor rell has done a darn good job and a good job standing up to the clueless majority. Reform the education arbitration systems so it works better for towns, Dems say no.....repeal the car tax, dems say no, allow catholic hospitals to not supply the morning after pill, they say to hell with your catholic based religious beliefs......Dems are wrong now as they have always been. If you think Destefano or Malloy has a chance to beat Rell your delusional. just as you are if you think pretty boy Murphy is gonna beat Nancy Johnson....
Please provide specific examples of my blog being filled with hate. Perhaps demanding that the US Government enforce existing immigration laws and holding illegals accountable for their illegal actiosn in coming here in the first place? Or perhaps pointing out that Island the so called religion of peace illustrates tiem and tiem again that the actiosn of its leaders and its history is filled with violence an dhatred towards all none muslims? Oh wait, I am sorry, I forgot, liberal lefties dont want the truth as the lies aide in furthering their uneducated, hateful propaganda. You know, republicans, are starving children, throwing old people out on the street without their medications, that we hate filled racists.....yeah yeah.....the playbook is old. Thats why this country gets redder very year and why more and more folks are seeing through the deception and the lies of the leftwing.
wow, wish IO ahd spelled check my last post....sorry!
You must admit, it was funny!
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