Monday, June 12, 2006

Net Neutrality: Congress Votes, Shays & DeLauro Get It

Net Neutrality means that every site on the internet, and every service on the internet is reachable at the same speed. The determining factor is how much bandwidth you as the consumer pays for. The Telcos want to change that. They want to sell preferred access on the Internet, kinda like selling express lanes to specific destinations starting at your driveway.

From CNN:

Telecommunication companies already control the pipes that carry the Internet into your home. Now they want control which sites you visit and how you experience them. They would provide privileged access for themselves and their preferred partners while charging other businesses for varying levels of service.

But why change a good thing? Right now, the Internet is a level playing field for everyone. The wonky term for this is "Net neutrality." When the Internet is neutral, everyone can use it, just like everyone can use public roads or airwaves. All businesses on the Internet get an equal shot at success.

Full results here, but our delegation voted this way:

DeLauro -Y
Larson - Y
Shays - Y

Johnson -N

Good thing Shays and DeLauro are looking our for the consumer, but Johnson and Simmons showed either their ignorance of the issue, or could care less about the small businesses, consumers and fair play in this state.

Keep the Internet neutral, fair and free, By Craig Newmark Special to CNN Saturday, June 10, 2006; Posted: 12:23 p.m. EDT (16:23 GMT)

UPDATED: I inadvertently left off Larson. He gets it too.

1 comment:

ctblogger said...

You can find out more on this VERY important issue by clicking here.

I can not stress how serious an issue this is for all bloggers (liberal and conservative).