Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Courtney, Murphy to Outline First 100 Hours of New Congress

According to a press release, here's what the new Congress will be working on during its first 100 hours:
* Reducing our nation’s dependence on foreign sources of fossil fuels, and begin by rolling back the multi-billion dollar subsidies for Big Oil.
* Improving accessibility to college by significantly cutting interest rates for student loans.
* Adopting the recommendations of the independent, bipartisan 9/11 Commission to make our nation safer.
* Fixing the Medicare prescription drug program, including negotiating lower drug prices and closing the gap in prescription drug coverage. Stem cell research will receive greater attention and support from the new Congress.
* Guaranteeing a meaningful retirement income, and blocking any attempt to privatize Social Security.
* Reforming Congress by implementing meaningful lobbying reform legislation and restoring fiscal responsibility by restoring pay-as-you-go.
* Treating the American worker with respect by refusing any new Congressional salary increase until the American public gets a minimum wage increase.

Murphy and Courtney will detail more at a press conference this afternoon.

I have to wonder why Rosa DeLauro and John Larson aren't doing similar press conferences?


Anonymous said...

Murphy is doing it because his Union Masters told him to

Anonymous said...

Awesome, we can grade them on their accomplishments on day 5

Anonymous said...

Talk about spin. Delaying a Congressional pay increase (to what, $150K a year?) until workers get an increase in the minimum wage (to what, $7.50 an hour, or $15K a year?). I feel much better with these guys watching out for me!

Anonymous said...

John and Rosa have too much class to get in bed these hucksters.

Matt said...

Why aren't DeLauro and Larson holding press conferences like this? Take a look at their 2006 election maps.

However, as great as this list is, I'd like to see one of these things done a week, with the party beating the drums in media outlets nationwide about each theme. Minimum wage and the 9/11 commission recommendations should come before Bush's State of the Union address.

Anonymous said...

Are the Dems going to enact all the 9/11 commision suggestions? Didnt they say after the election they were not going to do that?

Weicker Liker said...

The Courtney & Murphy Presser is actually TODAY(Wednesday) at 2 PM.

These two characters are marching out with three liberal groups: Change America Now, the Connecticut Citizens Action Group and the Connecticut Public Interest Research Group.

Anonymous said...

wait a second, i believe a few months ago everyone was bitching about the dems not having a plan, and now we're bitching about how they're releasing a plan? come on guys, the republicans haven't done anything in 12 years and we're criticzing the dems for doing something in the first 100 hours. wake up.

Anonymous said...

while the republicans left town without passing anything meaningful, the democrats are going to step in and actually do something...i thought the election results told Congress to do its job, which courtney and murphy are ready to do.

Anonymous said...

I think it’s a great list. I would’ve added about a hundred other things, but its only the first hundred hours. Although so far so good, Pelosi is stopping all earmarks. And notice how once the Dems took over congress Bush miraculously now thinks earmarks are bad, after 6 years of endless Republican pork?

I especially liked how the first commenter thought that “Murphy is doing it because his Union Masters told him to”. Cuz you know, the Medicare prescription drug program is something that Chris Murphy knows nothing about. He just made it a bedrock part of his campaign, and spent years on the public health committee championing health care issues.

I can’t wait to see him on the reform committee. Now that the grown ups are in charge, it’s time to clean up the place.

Anonymous said...

* Treating the American worker with respect by refusing any new Congressional salary increase until the American public gets a minimum wage increase.

Hey guys how about treating the American taxpayers with some respect? How about freezing your salaries until you accomplish a bit more than just legislating that the small percentage of us who make the minimum wage get a few bucks more a week?

Some change we voted into office last month. These guys are not even in office yet, they haven't accomplished a single thing, and they are talking about ways to keep giving themselves raises.

Anonymous said...

just more shell games - come on fellow d's lets deal with the meat and potatoes that matter

some of these initatives are great press but when Ct Pfizer closes its doors who will be there to save the jobs ...

aren't we getting any smarter to see the press op versus what really impacts ct jobs and future...

dc votes = Ct economic development....

it is THE ONLY test for any elected official

jobs = quality of life = economic developemnt = state revenues = healthy growth

its all about the people

Anonymous said...

dc votes = Ct economic development....

it is THE ONLY test for any elected official

jobs = quality of life = economic developemnt = state revenues = healthy growth

You hit the nail on the head.... Raising the Min wage makes a great sound bite and little else. Of course maybe their economic plan for America is to raise the Min wage over the next few years to about $25/hr. to make up for all the high paying jobs that are leaving this state and this country and being replaced by Min wage jobs.