Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Open Forum

Tell us what's happening in your part of CT!

Also, if, as several have suggested, anyone wants to post some information about themselves, which could include but is not limited to: background, political beliefs, who (if anyone) they are working for, and anything else they feel is important. Something like this, perhaps:

Display Name: Genghis Conn
Guiding Political Beliefs: Moderation in all things (moderation included). I tend to be a bit center-left, but I'll listen to what everyone has to say if it sounds reasonable.
Background: Former high school teacher (and, because of that, a former member of the CEA), current librarian's assistant and grad student in library science.
Campaigns worked on: An amazing failure of a Green Party state rep. campaign in 2002, and, before it tanked, the Balducci for Governor campaign in 1994 (I cut articles out of newspapers for a day). That's it.
Conflicts of Interest: I don't have many. I was on a volunteer town board for a few years, but mostly I'm just a voter.

If you want to post this kind of information, feel free. However, no one is required to do so.


Aldon Hynes said...

Name: Aldon Hynes

Politics: Fairly left leaning Democrat.

Personal Blog: Orient Lodge

Campaigns: Currently, I am blogmaster for DeStefano for CT. I also did a lot of work on Howard Dean's 2004 Presidential bid, my wife's run for State Representative in the 149th A.D. in Stamford/Greenwich, Diane Farrell's 2004 Congressional bid, and to a smaller extent, assorted local races in Connecticut.

Background: IT executive on Wall Street. I've been published on a wide array of topics from financial technology to group dynamics online and online political campaigns.

My particular interest is in promoting a stronger sense of participation in all levels of politics, but especially on the state level and using the Internet as a tool to promote such participation.

Conflicts: Working for DeStefano's campaign, I feel that I need to stay out of any of the other primary races, such as the Secretary of States race or the brewing battle in the 5th CD. However, I also set up and host websites based on CivicSpace, and in order to promote online participation, I am interested in helping, in unofficial ways, different campaigns have better web presenses.

Genghis Conn said...


You'll have a chance to ask him yourself. Sen. Murphy's campaign is interested in having him come on the blog for an interview/Q&A.

Anonymous said...

New Haven apparently will not postpone "eminent domain" takings or use according to the New Haven Register in connection with an economic development project.

Paul Vance said...

Name: J. Paul Vance
Politics: Rock-ribbed Democrat

Background: Democratic Candidate for Congress in the 5th CD, Attorney, President Waterbury Board of Aldermen, Crosby HS Assistant Basketball Coach.

Campaigns: Clinton-Gore '96, Delegate for John Edwards '04, Miguel Fuentes for State Representative, as well as my elections of '01 and '03.

I am obviously seeking the Democratic nomination in the 5th CD and I know that we can take back the House starting in Connecticut.

Ed said...

Theres a fundraiser for the Young Democrats tonight at the Half Door in hartford. Ten bucks, 2 dollar drinks, food. SHould be fun

Anonymous said...


I think you need to consider issues beyond choice of residence in evaluating candidates. I was told by a constituent of Vance's that he attended a DLC conference and is right-leaning. I asked him about whether he was involved in the DLC in the Q & A, and he did not provide a direct answer, which suggests that he wants to avoid the topic. I'll be happy to be corrected. As a fellow Dean fan, I am concerned about people who identify with an organization that did its best to destroy Dean and the progressive ideals of our movement.

Also, as I noted previously, I heard him interviewed on a radio show in which he spoke from CBIA talking points about the need to make CT more "business friendly". Thus far, he has rubbed me the wrong way.

Chris Murphy has a pretty strong track record as a state senator, and I have heard good things about him from people who spend their days working with the state legislature. He also managed the campaign of Charlotte Koskoff, who came very close to defeating Johnson. I don't know him and am not involved in his campaign, but in my mind, he has much more credibility and a far stronger track record than Vance.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that is funny-- I hear from people that live in Wolcott (a piece of Murphy's district)that he is just seen as a phony who won't stick his neck out for any other democrat. I would prefer someone who seems to be a real person.

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