You can watch the inaugural festivities, which will involve marching, weapons being discharged, silly costumes, vague speeches and the interior of the Legislative Office Building, on CT-N.
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Update: 3:00pm
Rell was sworn in for a full four-year term as governor, and delivered a short, hopeful speech. As the Rell team has been saying, it didn't provide specifics for the future, but instead was much more general. It was a decent speech, however: well-written and well-delivered (for Rell, anyway--she is a very restrained speaker).
So that's that.
I'm amazed by the throngs of literally dozens of people lining the streets of Hartford.
All right, constitutional officers are being sworn in, now. I lost the CT-N feed and am watching on WTNH's internet feed (you can find the link on the Courant site).
Blumenthal sworn in by Justice Borden... he in turn is now swearing in Nancy Wyman.
Denise Nappier being sworn in by Vanessa Bryant. LG Fedele is presiding over the ceremony. He is the only officer who was sworn in earlier, due to his duties in the Senate.
Bysiewicz sworn in... the former poet laureate of CT is reciting a poem about Rell's decision to run for office while crossing the Tappan Zee bridge.
It is a terrible poem.
Rell is now being sworn in. Rell looks a little shaken. Oh my God, they're playing "Hail to the Chief." What the heck?
Rell: "This is a day of new beginnings."
"We are at a crossroads ... crying out for our leadership and inspiration."
There is a "yearning for change" in our state, but also a "yearning for stability." "A conflict between change and constancy." Nice image.
"For if we are to accomplish anything, we must work together." Lots of talk about the future.
And that's it. A brief, hopeful speech, with, as was indicated before, very little in the way of specifics for the upcoming session. It was a good speech, however, well-written and, for Rell, well-delivered.
Here's the text of the vapid, piece of fluff from Grandma.
A terrible, mundane speech, mercifully brief but still filled with rhetorical gas. It doesn't contain a single striking phrase or ringing note, just big empty verbiage designed to impress without really saying anything. Where's the passion? Where's the summoning of the state's greatness or the strengths of its people? Grab us by the lapel and pull us into your plan for the future! Guaranteed: Connecticut is going nowhere with this woman at the helm.
Oh good grief she read a thesaurus.
Rell's not at the helm. She's in the galley making the morning eggs.
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