Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Early Morning Open Forum

Judiciary Chairman Mike Lawlor will be liveblogging tonight on My Left Nutmeg. SpazeBoy has his press conference from yesterday in four parts.

CT Bob has an interview with Rosa DeLauro.

Opponents of Broadwater speak out - and it looks like the New York Department of State has misgivings.

An interesting challenge to the constitutionality of the Death Penalty is brewing in Hartford.

Rabid Raccoons? Yes, rabid raccoons.

State Dems look to change bonding rules to end Governor's monopoly.

An economics Professor takes George Will's latest Courant column to task.

What else is going on?


GMR said...

If Broadwater isn't the solution, what is? Would you prefer for there to be a LNG terminal in Bridgeport on land? Or in Branford, or somewhere on Long Island? I've never heard anyone who is opposed to Broadwater say where they would rather have an LNG terminal.

Electricity in the United States is generated through a variety of methods. There's nuclear, oil, natural gas, hydropower, coal and a few windmills.

If we decide that LNG won't work for environmental reasons (and let's face it: even through natural gas burns cleanly, you got to have a way to get the stuff to the power plant), will coal be better? I don't think Connecticut has enough rapidly flowing rivers to make Hydropower an option. Nuclear is unrealistic to add capacity. So oil fired plants?

Gabe said...

GMR - You have a great point. My personal feeling is that the middle of the sound is the absolute worst possible place to put a LNG terminal, but there really aren't any good options.

That said, looking at Broadwater individually isn't very helpful - we have to change our entire energy outlook - consumption as well as where the energy comes from...

GMR said...

The economics professor cites the Card and Krueger study on NJ minimum wage. That study is reportedly Highly flawed

Anonymous said...

Certain Stratford Town Council members should act with emotional restraint. Please be professional. Your reputation and the reputation of the Town is at stake. Stop the drama and put the Town first. If
the shoe fits the wear it.