Tuesday, September 06, 2005

CLP Store?

I'm sure that some of you will think I've gone over the edge, but today I had the idea of setting up a cheap-o CafePress store for blog-related swag. This may be a terrible idea, I don't know. However, I'm not trying to make any money from it: any and all commissions from the store will be donated to a Hurricane Katrina relief/rebuilding effort of our choice.

Here's the link:

I have created mugs and t-shirts, for those so inclined. What do you think? Should I forget it? Or is this not such a terrible idea after all?


Genghis Conn said...

Yeah? That's too bad... I wonder if there's any better places out there that don't cost an arm and a leg.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea.

And contrary to deanfan84's experience, I have a few CafePress shirts from like 4 years ago that are still holding up - one is slightly faded, but still completely legible, and the other two are almost as bright as when I got them.

Genghis Conn said...


Easily done. I'll make some cheap stickers and buttons, too.