Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Municipal Elections: Call for Submissions

The greatest thing about this site is the people who frequent it. Your comments have always been insightful and interesting, and your knowledge of CT politics and issues continues to impress me. With that, I need your help.

There are over 150 towns and cities in Connecticut holding municipal elections this year, and I simply don't have the time to research and write about even a good percentage of those races.

So here's what I'm proposing: if you are familiar with the races in your town, and can write about them in a reasonably unbiased manner, please consider writing a brief overview to be published in a post here at CLP. You would get credit for your work on the post.

Things to include:

  1. Candidates: Who are the major players this year? What positions (if any) have they staked out? Who are the interesting personalities?

  2. Issues: What's important to voters in your town this year? Taxes? Development? Education? Tell us a little about what's important and why.

  3. Websites: If any of the candidates have space on the web, link to it.

  4. Prediction: This is the fun part. Who do you think will win? Why? Give us your analysis of the campaign.

  5. Misc.: What else is important to know about the race?

See the two previous entries on the subject (Enfield and West Hartford) to get an idea of what I'm looking for.

Email me your submission at jeenaone(at)gmail(dot)com. I just ask that the writing be clear, and that you try to be as objective as you can. I may edit posts for clarity and language. I'll post the entry within a few days of recieving it. I will post town statistics and recent election data with each entry.

I hope to get at least ten or so, although if there are more I will be very happy. If two people do the same town, that's fine. I'll publish them both.

If you have questions, post them here. Thanks in advance.

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