Sunday, November 05, 2006

Democrats and Bobby McGee

US House: John Larson

Larson had excellent foresight and voted against going to war in Iraq. He stands up for real progressive values while remaining independent. Need I say more?

Governor: John DeStefano

John DeStefano realizes the problems that face our state; and instead of ignoring them and hoping nobody notices, he will exhibit the leadership and will to tackle the difficult problems facing our state. He will fight passionately for values that are important for Connecticut. Governor Rell has been merely a caretaker for the past two years; unable or unwilling to take the risks a serious leader must. We need a change.

US Senate: Ned Lamont

I had planned to give a long list of all my greviences with Sen. Lieberman, but I have decided to spare you. I will say that he has become very conservative on many social issues: voting for intervention in the Terri Schivo case, crusading against foul lyrics (and now maybe YouTube), as well as his bizarre stance on the morning after pill. In addition, Lieberman has supported the President’s torture bill, a deeply un-American piece of legislation. Iraq is the single greatest mistake our government has made in the last six years. With hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dying, thousands of Americans, Lieberman refuses to admit it was a mistake. Now Lieberman is advocating military action against Iran How can we have real change in Washington when our leaders cannot see their mistakes and wish to repeat them.

But for me, this election comes down to the candidates’ character. Joe Lieberman has sacrificed his principles to be re-elected. He has so easily slipped into the cycle of fear mongering and the defilement of other’s patriotism that has been the mark of this administration. Equating your opponent with a terrorist and playing to people’s natural fears may be the easy road, but it is wrong. Joe Lieberman saw no challenges for years, and when he was finally challenged, he went negative. While Mr. Lamont has negative ads, all attack Sen. Lieberman’s record and votes. Sen. Lieberman has made numerous personal attacks on Mr. Lamont, describing him constantly as a “Greenwich millionaire”; immature names like “lamonster” or “Negative Ned”; attacking him for putting money into his own campaign—nevermind the millions in special interest money that Republicans have poured into Lieberman’s campaign; false accusations of anti-semitism; and Lieberman has fabrication that Lamont laid off or outsourced people from his business. It’s a shame that a once highly respected Senator feels the need to lower himself to these levels, just for the sake of keeping his seat.

Ned Lamont is not in this Senate race for himself. He has spent millions of his own money, not to buy power, but to make changes in Washington that he deeply believes in. He is not a career politician looking for more political power. Sen. Lieberman, on the other hand, cannot say this. He has spent the majority of the last six years trying to advance his career. Sen. Lieberman believes he is no less than the savior of the Democratic Party, and American government in general. He couldn’t be farther from the truth. It is self-serving policies like his that have corrupted our government over the last few years. It is time for a change. Connecticut needs a socially-liberal, fiscally moderate Senator who doesn’t blow in the political winds but stands up for what he believes in. Ned Lamont is such a person.


Genghis Conn said...

Speaking of Larson, anyone else catch that MacLean is going to bolt the GOP as soon as the election is over?

Unknown said...

You should have seen what I was going to post. About two pages of everything I hate about Lieberman...

And I did notice he was leaving the GOP. Can you blame him, he's gotten less support than Schelsinger...

Authentic Connecticut Republican said...

OK Scott, so you got into the race as a placeholder for the Party, although nobody asked you to do it and you were opposed by the Party establishment; and you wanted to make an object lesson of yourself for your kids. Sounds like you got everything you bargained for.

Well put - the GOP is the party with the bigger tent; but it'll NEVER be big enough for a bigot like MacLean.